I am happy to report that I had another full night of sleep - thanks to the Ativan/Hypnosis CD combo! Wahoo!
Kristie picked me up this morning for my bloodwork and the appointment with my oncologist. All went relatively well with the exception that I have lost almost two pounds since my last weigh-in a month ago. Let me tell you, Dr. Sami gave me the old 'stink-eye' and told me that he needs a body to treat, not a carcass. Awesome. Guess I will have to alter my new diet a little bit to try to incorporate a few more calories each day. Don't know if that means going back on the Ensure or what, but something has to be done because I can't be losing any more weight right now. So when Kristie said she was going to take me for lunch, he pointed at me and said "No salads for YOU!" Yikes.
He asked me about about my chemo side effects and when I got to the acne part all he said was "See? I'm giving you back your youth!" In other words, "Suck it up ButterCup." Too bad so sad, guess I better get used to it.
Tomorrow is PORT installation day - I have to be at the hospital at 1:30 and the procedure will be at 2pm. AND since I'm not allowed to eat tonight after midnight I will likely be quite cranky by that time. I would apologize to Kris in advance, but I think she secretly likes me better when I'm a little on the salty side. Should be a hoot...
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