Saturday, 3 March 2012

The Milk has Gone Baaaaaa-d...

It has been claimed that goat's milk differs from cow or human milk by having higher digestibility, distinct alkalinity, higher buffering capacity, and certain therapeutic values in human medicine and nutrition.

SO, I tried it today. And let me just say right now, goat's milk is not yummy. In fact, it is quite the opposite of yummy. I had always suspected this since I don't enjoy the taste of goat meat and I waffle in my opinion of the cheese. But wow. How do you even tell if goat's milk has turned? It already smells sour and just plain wrong. I decided it was worth a shot because it has a higher fat content than almond milk, soy milk or coconut milk. Wrong. Yuck. Pooey. That was Strike #2 on the "keeping an open mind and trying new things" list of foods to try with this new diet.

Chantelle came over tonight to change my bandages and watch a movie, but the best part of her visit was just sitting on the couch and catching up after a long week. Not too sore from yesterday's workout yet - but the day-after-the-day-after is always the worst, so tomorrow could be a different story.

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