My Sunday Best...
Ok, SO last night I had the best and most restful sleep I have had since Tim left. I am attributing it to going to bed late, a well-timed Ativan and listening to a Healing Hypnosis CD as I fell asleep. (Thanks Mardi!) I literally woke up in the very same position I went to sleep in. As a result, I felt PHENOMENAL today! It was perfect timing because my sister and niece came in for a visit and we were able to spend the afternoon shopping. ME! Out and about at the malls for almost 5 hours! It was incredible - I even had enough gumption to make dinner when I got home! (FINALLY made the bison pasta sauce with rice noodles - and it tasted pretty good. AND I have enough leftovers for 3 days!)
Kiana and Pam |
We spent a long time talking about my Gram, who has been in the hospital in PA since early January. She fell at Christmas and fractured her pelvis and is suffering from advancing dementia. I haven't been able go see her because of my treatments, but Pam and Kiana and my Auntie Margaret see her several times a week. She has had a really rough couple of months and it makes me so sad that I can't be there to see her or to provide some support for my sister.
How cute is my Granny? |
Tomorrow we are back in canser-fight mode. Kris is taking me for blood work and to see my oncologist, then it is off to the gym with me so Kendra can have another opportunity to torture the skinny kid. Wish me luck and Happy Monday everyone!
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