Thursday, 1 March 2012

March Came in Like a Lamb....

Today was a good day. The side effects are still pretty mild - a few canker sores, some acne, a blotchy, bumpy rash on my cheeks and a really, really sore nose. Day #9 and I am experiencing a few minor pains in my side - just the 'mets' letting me know they are still there and not quite dead yet.  Makes me look forward to Chemo #5 and the opportunity to unleash another round of nukes on the little buggers.  I am feeling good enough that I am heading back to the gym tomorrow to work out with my trainer. It has been 3 months since I've stepped foot in the gym - hoping I still know how to find my way! (And that I don't make a complete fool of myself once I get there.) Take it easy on me Keke...

My good buddy Cam took me for lunch and a few laughs today - turns out Boston Pizza has a decent gluten-free pizza. SO good to eat food that tastes like food! I haven't been having a tonne of luck with the gluten-free groceries I have purchased so far.  I'm finding it much easier just to stick with whole foods - but even that can be limiting. On tomorrow night's menu: rice pasta with tomato and ground bison sauce. Yeesh - sounds delish.

I had a great time with Tim and the kids on Skype tonight. They love to sing and dance and ham it up for me on camera - left me with a big goofy grin on my face for most of the night.

Next week will be a busy one on the canser-fighting front. Monday I have an update appointment with my oncologist and bloodwork, Tuesday I have to spend the afternoon @ RUH getting my new port installed and Wednesday is Chemo #5 already! Wow, this canser thing is getting to be a full-time job. Thanks in advance to Kristie who will be head chauffeur and canser-support for this round. 

One last note - I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support - in the way of visits, phone calls, texts and emails.  You really learn a lot about the people in your life when you are diagnosed with such a serious condition - many that you expect to be there for you go AWOL, and those whom you least expect to be are there every step of the way, even if they live hundreds of miles away.  I don't go a single day without words of encouragement from someone, somewhere who is thinking about me, and I so appreciate it. 

Good night everybody!

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