Tuesday, 13 March 2012


I just got home from another fun road trip to St. Paul's Hospital - not my favorite building as you can imagine. I haven't been there since my surgery and really could have done without ever going back, but whatever.  Telly took me to my early morning appointment and snapped a few pics on her iPhone to commemorate my joy....

Drinking the contrast and trying not to toss it back up...

Waiting for the IV installation...

Chantelle doing her best to make canser fun!
So, if you've never had a CT scan before, let me enlighten you as to what you can expect. I was lucky enough to have Nance give me the heads-up the first time.  Generally you have to drink copious amounts of 'contrast' in a relatively short period of time. I have had 3 different scans now and the contrast has tasted different each time, ranging from tasteless, to a chemically-tasting-grape-pop-like-deal to today, when it tasted like something you would find in the bottom of a urinal.  Yuck. AND it was freezing cold which you would think would make it easier to drink, BUT not so much when you have cold sensitivity due to chemo. Then they install an IV in your arm with a tube of a different type of contrast that they shoot through your veins while taking the pictures in the scanner.  First of all, the St. Paul's CT is quite wonderful as it has a Saskatchewan Roughrider logo on the top of it - makes one feel at home. (Go Riders!) They lay you down in the scanner, ask you to raise your arms above your head and then your body is pushed in and out while an electronic voice tells you when and how to breathe.  THEN they inject the contrast into the IV and you feel a general hot flush all over your body - the most shocking part of which is the intense feeling that you have just wet yourself.  It's true. I just want you to be forewarned in case you ever have to have one, because it can be quite alarming if you aren't expecting it.

SO, now I am exhausted. I'm going to lay down for a quick nap and think positive thoughts about my results on Monday morning.  Have a good day everyone... 
P.S. Is it Friday yet?(Tim's coming in - YAY!!)

1 comment:

  1. Nope, never had a CT scan before but thanks for the heads up about the "wet yourself feeling". Good to know if I ever need to.

    Thanks for the update and the fun photos ... you know how to make canser fun in a way I never envisioned, Barb! Wocka wocka.

    I'm wishing and wishing and hoping and begging to any powers that be that the scan results are very good news!

    Sleep well.
