That's right people, it's late afternoon and I am still in my pj's. I have spent most of the day on the phone with Air Canada trying to help them locate a lost flight credit so that I can get my flights booked for the next couple of weeks. I am telling you, there are very few things in life LESS frustrating than sitting on hold with an airline, not once but TWICE in one day. There is a very good reason why I fly WestJet whenever possible and it has a lot to do with the fact that their people are polite and courteous. Question: WHY work in customer service if you so obviously hate your job and people in general? It's the only explanation I can come up with for why the FIRST Air Canada customer service rep I spoke to gave me nothing but attitude from the SECOND I started speaking with her, right through my explanation regarding my flight credit being a result of a CANSER diagnosis and surgery, and continued, undaunted while lecturing me about losing my reference number. Seriously? I even explained that I had saved the number on my old cell phone but lost it in a fit of chemo-brain when I decided to wash my cell with all the OTHER dishes. I may be a bit stupid these days, but even I know the meaning of the word empathy and she had NONE. So, I called back hoping to get another rep, and thank the Sweet Baby Jesus I did. And although she was marginally nicer and did in fact manage to find the information the other lady said was impossible to track, it took her almost an hour to then book the flight for me, with repeated requests for my credit card number and mailing address. I complain about this because I have spent a great many years of my career in customer service positions and it drives me crazy when people can't find the energy to put on a happy face for their customers, even if it is fake. I mean seriously, I have canser and I still manage to be nice to people who irritate me. There. Rant over.
Or it would be if I hadn't just gotten off the phone with my oncology nurse. Sigh. Can I please put a request out to the universe? PLEASE, enough with the complications? Last week at chemo, I was told by my chemotherapy nurses that if I ever wanted to go see Tim before my infusion bottle was removed, that they could teach him how to take it off and I could fly out the day after chemo. Fast forward to today and all the time I spent booking my flight....and THEN my oncology nurse calls me to explain that one cannot in fact fly while being infused because of the air pressure changes. I almost had a stroke. So much for not sweating the small stuff, James. SO, I once again call the airline in hopes of changing the flight and am put on hold again. And I gave up, couldn't waste another hour of my life listening to their elevator music. Instead I called the canser clinic and asked to have my chemo appointment moved up a day, but it is against their policy to do a chemo update with the doctor and chemo on the same day. I explained my predicament to Patty who does the booking (she is amazing) and she asked one of the chemotherapy nurses her opinion and she said it should be no problem. So? Who to believe? Google couldn't even give me a straight answer about it. But it sure did give me an exhaustive list about all the possible serious adverse events that could happen to me from just being on 5-FU in the first place. Awesome. Ok, enough complaining. It is unbecoming of a lady.
Now, a topic that is near and dear to the heart of every Saskie alive: the weather! Man oh man - it's a good thing I can tether Bailey when she goes out because I'm not convinced she wouldn't blow away in this wind. Speaking of which, I am pretty sure I have the cutest dog alive. She just got a haircut and new bandana yesterday:
So, since Tim is coming back to Saskatchewan this weekend, he decided to leave his clubs here for the week. (And if I know him, it is likely driving him stir-crazy that he can't go out to the garage and practice his swing.) The point of me telling you this is because I am sitting staring at his golf bag and this is all I see:
How lucky am I? Not only does the man humor me by watching the CFL, cheering for the Riders and calling them OUR team - but he has a Gainer head cover and he uses it. What a guy.
On a final note, I want to give a big shout out to Pam's niece Em. It turns out she and her family had a pretty stressful weekend - she had to spend most of the holiday weekend in the hospital because she was JUST diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and her blood glucose was out of whack. As a result, she is missing out on a trip to Mexico with her mom, sisters and Auntie Pam, BUT I hear she is being an amazing little trooper through it all. She has been to Diabetes School with her mom and already knows how to check her own blood sugars. Pam is so proud that she is taking it all in stride.
Hugs to you Darlin', from me and Bailey.
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