Now this blog is going to be primarily about my weekend with Tim. We did very little but golf, walk the dog and eat blizzards from Dairy Queen. It was great because the weather was fantastic and we got to spend time with Chantelle, Kelly, Kristie and Scott. We also did a round Friday night when he got in - 18 holes at a little par 3 in Saskatoon called Silverwood. Good for him to work on his short game, and the only chance I have to compete with him in score.
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Silverwood Golf Course |
Tim in front of the river valley |
New Golf outfit - shirt a bit big but cute, cute, CUTE gingham skirt! |
We spent the afternoon golfing with Chantelle and Kelly at Moon Lake. It took a few days to get accustomed to the new clubs, but I am FINALLY hitting them almost as well as the old ones. The story of that golf game came from me being CATAPULTED out of the golf cart at high speeds, dragging for about six feet while hanging on, doing a 180 degree flip, landing on my ass, and then skidding across the fairway on my head for what seemed like forever. Completely my fault, another example of "graceful" Barbie. When I didn't move right away, Tim thought he had killed me. Chantelle and Kell didn't see the actual event, all they saw was me laid out flat in the middle of the fairway on hole #8 of the Moors. Kelly came running over, thinking I had fainted from the heat. There may have been a tear or four, Tim felt awful, but my pride was bruised more than my bum. My new white golf skirt took the worst of the damage - and by hole #11 everyone was having a good laugh at my expense. I think Chantelle's words were "I'm sure it wasn't as funny in real life as it is in my head", and then proceeded to bend over with laughter. So much for sympathy for the Canser-Kid.
Speaking of which, Spanks sent me this little nugget asking if I wrote it:
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Turns out car doors, tubs and showers and golf carts are not my friends these days either. |
That night Chantelle and Kelly invited us over to watch UFC - and yikes, were the co-main events ever disappointing. The company and the food, on the other hand were awesome.
Sunday we went to Holiday Park with Scott and Kristie, they did 9 holes and we were having such a great game that Tim and I decided to stay and do the back 9 as well, because I haven't played it in years, didn't remember the layout and the lady in the clubhouse said it was the best part of the course. And by that she meant the hilliest. Oh, and did I mention it was 30 degrees + and we were walking? By about hole #12 we were wishing we had taken Kristie up on her offer to have a few drinks on the patio.
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Holiday Park |
Scott and Kristie and Baby #2 |
Us |
Picturesque but very oddly designed hole... |
Monday was chemo #14. Wow, I can't believe how fast this past 7 months has gone. This week's chemo team consisted of Tim and Chantelle. It was kind of fun because on of my favorite phlebotomy nurses had to teach Tim how to remove my infusion bottle for times when I fly out to see him before the 46-hour infusion process is done. She is so sweet and she did a great job of busting Tim's hump - we told her about my tumble from the golf cart and she started making jokes about how could I possibly trust him to remove a needle from my arm or to drive my car when he had just, two days before sent me flying ass over tea kettle from a golf cart. She even made a point of sending a few more supplies in case he screws things up. She also teased him about the other gentlemen that have accompanied me to chemo when he hasn't been there. HA! I loved it. And he loved her for providing some good giggles on an otherwise emotional day. It was very good for our souls, after waiting in line for my turn outside the phlebotomy clinic, where we couldn't help but notice a very upset older lady who was obviously at the clinic for the first time because she was carrying a "Canser Society Welcome Bag", break down in tears. I/we just wanted to go up and hug her, but as a fellow canser patient, one never wants to invade the privacy of another. There were quite a few pediatric patients there yesterday as well, and it always throws us for a loop when we see an infant or a toddler or a pre-teen getting their chemo - and to see the look of fear on their parent's faces.
After the bloodwork was done, Tim and I had about an hour to wait for the results, so we headed over tho the Starbucks in the main hallway of the hospital and enjoyed a nice coffee together in the new seating area - watched all the construction happening and just took a breather. Once again, I got my own room and we waited for my drugs to be ready. Chantelle came for awhile and entertained us as only she can do. I was pretty stoned, so it was nice to have her there to give Tim someone to talk to. I fell asleep soon after she left for some much-needed zzz's and Tim walked down to the cafeteria to get me a sandwich. Actually, according to him, I fell asleep before he even left.
SO supportive and positive for me... |
Chantelle, always ready to do what needs to be done, whether it's a hug or an instant google search on her phone to answer one of my many questions - because I can't remember diddly these days. |
Another shout out to Jason from Dinner at Your Door. He offered to make us dinner AGAIN, the night of my chemo, so we popped by his house yesterday for a quick visit.
Tim got to meet Tonya, Carson and Aiden and see their beautiful new home. We had a great time and once again, little Carson played shy with old Barbie. But I'm determined, I'll get a cuddle from him YET! The food, as always was fantastic and there is enough left over that we can pack a picnic lunch for today's trip.
I woke up before 4am, couldn't sleep because of all the the things that need to be done this morning. Tim and I are preparing to drive to Cambridge to take Bailey and my car out there - we are driving through the States, so it should be an adventure for all of us. I will still be flying back to Saskatoon regularly for treatments and visits, but this way I will be able to spend more time with Tim and the kids, I will have a little more freedom while I am there and Bailey will be with me more.
As a result, it may be a few days before I can write another post. Have a good few days everyone.
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