Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Chemo #15

Okay, so no pictures from today, because I look the same as I did two weeks ago (only a few ponds heavier :-)) and honestly - I just didn't feel like doing it today.  Chantelle has been on holidays and taking me to all my appointments and on all my errands - not an overly exciting way to spend your vacation Telly, but I appreciate it more than I can say.

The above is so true and going through this ordeal has taught me alot about my friends. This quote applies to a good number of you, you know who you are and please know that I will always cherish you for your friendship, love and caring. 

Chemo was good, commiserated with the nurses and some other patients, and Telly of course.  One topic that came up was how quickly this new way of life starts seeming normal...

Once again, my good friend Jason came through for me and provided me with a lovely supper that I have been munching on all night. Thanks Jay and Dinner at Your Door...you have been a godsend for me.

I apologize to anyone who has tried to email me today on my new account, I added onto my Blackberry and have had nothing but problems ever since. Bah! Sometimes I hate technology!

Although Chantelle has been keeping me very busy, I have been missing Tim and the kids and Bailey like crazy and can't wait to get there. This will however be my first flight while still being infused, meaning I still have the 5-FU bottle attached to my arm. I spoke to the pharmacists at the canser clinic and they assured me it is totally safe to fly this way, as well as to airport security a couple of weeks ago to confirm that they would let me fly with it and I was told it should be no problem as long as I have a doctor's note. So, barring any issues with security or the device itself while at 40,000 feet (I have a vision in my head of the damn thing exploding and not knowing what to do.... hmm...maybe should have asked my nurses about that), I should be back on Ontario soil by mid-day tomorrow. It will also be interesting because the kids are going to see my arm bandaged up and the bottle for the first time ever, so I know there are going to be lots of questions. Ugh.
Better hit the sheets, I have to be up at 3:30 am to get to the airport for 5am.  The good news is that I tend to sleep like a baby on these early morning flights. 

Take care everybody!

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