Just a quick note to let you all know that we are well. It has been a busy few days, introducing the kids to Bailey (she's a HIT), getting things in order around the condo and visiting with Tim's family. I will do my very best to call all the girls tomorrow - while Tim is at work or in the evening. I am looking forward to my first trip out driving on my own tomorrow, meeting a friend for lunch and getting some keys cut for the condo.
I have been feeling okay, just some fatigue, mouth sores and serious tingling in my fingers and toes. I thought cutting out the oxaliplatin would reduce this part, but I guess it is too early to hope for that.
More tomorrow....
Hey, Barb. Thanks for posting the note to let us know you are doing well. I've been thinking about you and hoped you were doing okay. The mouth sores really really suck don't they?! My mother introduced me to a natural mouthwash, Jason Healthy Mouth, (they make a whole bunch of natural products including toothpaste too which I have yet to try) and I love it. I had a wicked mouth sore taking up my whole left side of my mouth until I started rinsing with the Jason mouthwash (I HATE rinsing with salt water or baking soda btw) and it really works, tastes great and is all natural...if you are interested.