Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Long Story, Short.

So much to tell you about my weekend in Saskatchewan with some of the best friends a girl could ask for - but no time right now.
Just wanted you all to be aware of the fact that once again, we got some pretty discouraging news today from my surgeon. I went to see him for what I thought would be a routine, regularly-scheduled follow up appointment. Unfortunately, he had already received the preliminary findings from my recent CT scan and they were anything but positive. The tumors on my liver have been growing and multiplying and spreading to my lungs. This was not a huge shock for me, because I am pretty aware of my body and I have been feeling pretty awful lately. It really was more of a confirmation about what I knew in my heart of hearts was happening. That however did not make it easier on my Dad, on Tim, on Chantelle or Kris or Mar or Parch or Nance or (I suspect) Pam. It's been a tough day all around and I just wanted to recognize those of you that have been so present and strong for me in this battle. I couldn't possibly ask for better people to have on my side and at my back. And every single one of you made me smile or laugh until I cried today. That in itself is a damn miracle. I love you all.
Will right more when time permits. Do me a favour though and don't ask about next steps because I haven't figured that out yet. Tim and I have to consult with the onc's ASAP and we won't know much more until then. Just know that we are not about to give up - there are other treatment options and we will explore them all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Barb. I'm so sorry about this unhappy news and I commend your resolve, in the face of disheartening news, to be as strong as you can be. KNOW that there are still treatment options to explore. This is not an easy path by any stretch and I want you to know how much I admire your fortitude ... even though I'm sure there are days you don't feel you have any. Still ... you have been and are tough as you need to be. Be proud of that and stay strong. If there's anything I can help with ... such as research ... let me know. (((((((BARB))))))))
