Monday, 25 June 2012

Today's the Day

I just got back late last night from Ontario and will discuss that later this afternoon - I soon have to crawl out of my warm little bad and get ready to face my oncologist and whatever news he may have for me today. Good news is I think I am up another couple of pounds - thank you Tim and McDonald's. 

First of all, I want to thank all my friends, near and far who have sent me messages of good luck and positive thoughts; Keats, Demers, Nance, Dave B., Bonnie, Tam and Kevin, Pam, Mar, Myra, Jean (whom I have never even met physically),my sister and of course my family and the entire Bender clan. I feel very, very loved and supported.  I am hoping and praying that I don't disappoint you guys.

One other shout out right now - Tim has been incredible through this whole journey but it really is shocking to me how he pulls it out when he really needs to.  Yesterday in Cambridge, I started focusing too much on the potential for bad news, almost had a bit of a panic attack really and he was able to calm me down and make me see the bright side of every potential outcome in under 5 minutes. He is amazing and I couldn't possibly have gotten any luckier than getting to have him in my life, especially now.  Thank you Tim, for always being my "rock". 

I will update you all later today, hopefully with good news. 

1 comment:

  1. You could never disappoint us Barb. You amaze us with your strength! No matter the results today, we're behind you 100 per cent.
    Love Barb2
    p.s.- It meant so much to have you with us Saturday night. :)
