Sunday, 17 June 2012


I apologize for the length of time it has been since my last post - I was SO busy in Cambridge that I didn't get on-line as much as usual, and since being home it has taken me this long to get over Chemo #12. I can't say it has been an easy one, in fact I am pretty sure that my body needs a break from the drugs.  Every treatment has resulted in a different primary symptom, and this time it has been acid reflux. Or at least I HOPE it is acid reflux.  I've been selling heart burn medication for almost a decade and yet, it shocked me to learn first-hand that a really bad episode of reflux REALLY does feel like you are having a heart attack. Tim almost called Chantelle to take me to the hospital on Thursday night but after taking a Tecta, I was right as rain within twenty minutes.  Unfortunately, I have been having abdominal and chest pain all day again. Bah! 

As you likely have guessed, I had a great time in Ontario with Tim and the kids.  We got to spend a lot of time doing "family" stuff, like going to swimming lessons, gymnastics, the African Lion Safari, the movies, dinner at Tim's folks' and a school picnic for Avery.  Every day was a new adventure for Barbie in her new role as "step-mom" and I loved every second of it.  I know I've said it before, but I really have quite fallen in love with Avery and Riley - and it is getting harder and harder to leave them and Tim each time.

Take a boo at some of the pictures from the African Lion Safari - it was a hoot!

The elephants were definitely my favorite part of the day...

What a bunch of cuties...

Water Stampede

We were SO close...

After hot dogs and drinks

Checking out the map


Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-nuh - Afro Circus, Afro Circus!

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