Just Like Riding a Bike...????
Today at lunch time Tim and I zipped into Toys R' Us to buy a new bike for Avery, and so ensued a blow to my pride like I haven't experienced since I fell off the bed 6 months ago. Let me preface this story by saying that the neuropathy in my hands has extended up to my wrists and in my feet up to about mid-thigh. (Excuses, excuses.) Since there were such good sales on, Tim and I decided we should get me a new bike as well, since I want to be able to go on family bike rides this spring. Although, after what happened today, I'm not sure that will be such a good idea. Picture it....Sicily, 1943...kidding. Toys R' Us, Kitchener....bike aisle, surrounded by Monster High and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bikes and helmets everywhere. Tim pulls down a 26 inch frame ladies bike for me, I proceed to throw my right leg over the bike and....collapse onto the bike display case. Awesome. Tim STARTS laughing and then quickly realizes I am on the edge of tears and has to pardon the pun, change gears IMMEDIATELY. Honestly, my balance is completely buggered!
How I wanted to look... |
My excuse... |
How I really looked...
As you know, Tim and I are leaving for Jamaica next week (cross your damn fingers nothing happens between now and then - like oh...say...falling off a bike and breaking an ankle?) so I have been doing a fair bit of shopping for summer clothes. But I ask you, how does one cover something like this in 25 degree heat...?
Pretty, huh? |
That little number is NOT in fact a result of my lack of grace, but from the shot of Atropine they give me before chemo now. Jeepers, and that's 8 days after the shot! You should have seen it last week - the lump underneath made me look like I was growing another limb. I am hoping I can convince them to give it to me in the arse next week, inside the bikini lines. Not sure if they will go for it though...will keep yo posted on the health of my derriere.
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