Sunday, 13 January 2013

Sleepless in Saskatoon...

3:09 am and I am awake. Tired but awake. Not a good sign when I haven't even been given my steroids yet and I am looking at the business end of a sleepless night and a day FULL of appointments tomorrow. Sigh. I woke to a very sore throat and can't seem to calm my mind again to fall asleep, so decided maybe this was a good time for an update.


Short Term ForecastUpdated:Monday, January 14, 2013, 2:30CST

Monday MorningMorning: 6:00 AM - 11:59 AM Monday AfternoonAfternoon: 12:00 PM - 5:59 PM Monday EveningEvening: 6:00 PM - 11:59 PM Monday OvernightOvernight: 12:00 AM - 5:59 AM Tuesday MorningMorning: 6:00 AM - 11:59 AM

Variable cloudiness Cloudy with sunny breaks Cloudy with clear breaks Scattered flurries Scattered flurries

Variable cloudiness Cloudy with sunny breaks Cloudy with clear breaks Scattered flurries Scattered flurries
Temp. -28 °C -17 °C -16 °C -14 °C -5 °C
Feels Like -35 -25 -24 -21 -11
Wind S  10 km/h S  10 km/h S  10 km/h S  15 km/h S  20 km/h
Relative Humidity 98  % 100  % 92  % 78  % 79  %
P.O.P. 20  % 30  % 30  % 60  % 80  %
Snow -  -  -  less than 1 cm  close to 1 cm 

I am back in Saskatoon and Baby, it's cold outside! I got here just in time to enjoy the city's latest cold-snap with a temperature of -22 today and a windchill of -29. And I can honestly say, it feels balmy compared to the wet cold of a -10 degree, blustery day in Cambridge.

Click to print image
It really is a gorgeous city....
I flew in last night and as often happens on the Prairies, I ran into two people I knew within the first twenty minutes of landing on Saskatchewan soil - made me feel right at home again! Chantelle picked me up from the airport and brought me home to Dad and Dorothy who were waiting at my condo for me. It was so good to see my folks especially, because due to poor highway conditions they were unable to come in the last few times I have been back.  We had a lovely visit catching up last night and then today we met Chantelle and Kelly at the Rock Creek Grill for an early birthday brunch for Dadd-io.


After brunch, we headed back to the condo to exchange (belated) Christmas gifts and celebrate with cupcakes courtesy of Chantelle.

After Dad and Dorothy left, I lay down for a long winter's nap until Pam, Kiana and my new smallest niece came to pick me up for dinner at Red Lobster. It was a fantastic night, meeting my new little Lexi for the first time! She is such a sweet little content baby and cute as a button, with her mama's chubby cheeks...



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