Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Autumn Update

Hello from colourful Ontario! 
Those of you who know me well, know that I am typically not a big fan of Fall. And by "not a big fan" I mean there have been years when it felt like someone flipped a switch in my psyche from NORMAL to DEPRESSED, BITCHY and LETHARGIC at the very second the first leaf started turning from green to amber - otherwise known as Seasonal Effective Disorder. The only thing that could pull me out of the depths of my depression was a daily elephant dose of Vitamin D and a nifty little blue light from Costco that cost me a hundred and fifty bucks. Well not this year my friends! I am shocked every morning when I leave the condo at how gloriously beautiful the trees are here. The reds and purples are so much more common here than in Saskatchewan. In fact, the combination of fall colours and the fog we had this morning was reminiscent for me of driving up the Cabot trail in late September a few years  ago. I know, I know - it's only October 3rd and I shouldn't get too cocky, but I cannot lie, the fact that the weather man is calling for up to 30cm of snow in certain parts of the prairies in the next few days doesn't hurt either!

Kitchener, Ontario
I need to do a quick shout-out to my little friend Emily M. from Thunder Bay! Emily is the youngest daughter of my good friend Marnie and a few weeks ago she ran in the Thunder Bay Terry Fox Run...and she dedicated her run to me. I can't even tell you how much it meant to me that she would think of me like that. Thank you Em, you made my day.

Emily "running for Barbie"!

For those of you who are curious about the results of last week's CT scan, you are not alone.  My oncologist popped in during chemo on Tuesday while I had a room-full of guests, (that's right, I hold court at the canser clinic every few weeks if you would like to attend) and said that unless he has to change my treatment regime due to lack of efficacy, I wouldn't hear from him and we could just discuss the results at my next appointment. In a month. A MONTH? And between being preoccupied with Chantelle and Mike and the typical chemo fog that sets in about an hour after the first drip - I said okay. Okay? That's NOT OKAY! I get the premise that no news is good news and that he probably didn't want to waste time calling me if there was no change BUT I still want to know. Are the tumors continuing to shrink or have they stabilized? The answer could mean the difference between going on as before and looking into a three-week intensive treatment clinic in Mexico or other alternative treatments. So, to answer the question many of you have asked - no, I still don't know the results. I left a voice mail with my oncology nurse on Monday afternoon and I have yet to hear back. Super. 

Honestly - I've discovered that this whole canser thing is a full-time damn job - between staying on top of my health care practitioners, booking appointments, dealing with the insurance companies and all their repetitive and redundant forms and actually recovering from the nukes every two weeks - I could really use a vacation. Oh well, maybe next year.

I will keep you posted as things arise, but thank you for your inquiries and warm thoughts. They continue to keep me positive and hopeful. And for those of you who have expressed concern because I haven't posted any photos of me lately - don't worry! I am "this close" to breaking the 100lb mark! Wahooo!


  1. Hi Barb!

    I lived in Ottawa for year in my early 20s prior to which I'd never been east of Winnipeg. I will never forget how stunningly beautiful autumn was in the east in a way I could never have imagined! And not only was it so incredibly colourful, the colour lasted for about a month!! Glorious! Enjoy it!

    You expressed in this post what I, too, eventually came to realize and sometimes tried to explain to others ... that having canser and going through treatments is a bloody FULL TIME JOB! The energy required to stay on top of appointments, test results, research (because I learned not to just trust what I was told), nutrition, germ avoidance, sleep ... well, it sure wasn't the "canser vacation" some friends joked I was getting. I still feel like I need a vacation from that whole experience. I'm almost there ... to where a vacation might feel like a vacation and not like recovery time.

    I have to say, when I read earlier that your doctor had said he'd only contact you with results if there was some concern, I thought "NO WAY!!". I would never be able to go with that. I would have to hear one way or the other and as soon as possible ... just as you do! Any doctor who understands patient care must surely appreciate that "waiting" is HELL! It's the worst ... what one's imagination can do during the WAITING! Awful, awful waiting. And besides that, I've heard way too many stories of files getting misplaced or refiled without the necessary calls being made. A little confirmation one way or the other is required. Stay on it. It's all part of your job description now, isn't it. Of course, it's also your prerogative to delegate --- tee hee ...

    You do look great, by the way! Keep on fighting the good fight, Barb! I'm one of the many in your cheering section.

  2. I totally agree with Heather. It was a full time job and having "Chemo Brain" made for a lot of "overtime". I don't understand why they didn't give you the results...they've been good to let you know in the past. I would request a hard copy of the results as well. I asked for copies of all test results so I could go back and review them at any time. Plus, I always felt it let them know that you meant business! Keep after them! :)

  3. Barb once again you said it so well for all of us cancer patients and battlers. This is our full-time job. And it is friggin' exhausting navigating through the side effects, keeping the many many appointments that we have, filling out forms for the insurance company, sleeping, eating - or not eating, managing our nutrition - or saying f#$% it every now and then and letting the nutrition go and cheating with a "Medium Chicken with mushrooms, sauce on the side" from California Sandwiches, warding off germs and infections and being in constant "fear" of getting "sick". Hey..that's ironic isn't it?! We fear getting sick since we are immune compromised from the treatments for our real illness. Anyway, Barb, you continue to inspire me with your strength, your realism, your optimism. I gave a shout out to you in my own way on my blog tonight as I mentally struggle with having yet another treatment delay. And I, like Heather, am also one of the many in your cheering section.

