Sunday, 26 August 2012

Day 6...

...has not been easy. I have been feeling un-well for the past couple of days, nothing serious, just not good.  Lots of nosebleeds, dizziness (which is a new one) and continued neuropathy in my hands and feet.  It has been compounded by the fact that Riley has been off for a few days too, and crawled into bed with us last night @ 1am and the night before @ 3am. Let's just say this: the kid is when he sleeps as he is when he's awake - constantly on the move.  And he seems quite fond of my pillow.  One never knows in which direction he will be when one awakes; parallel, horizontal,'s always an adventure.

We went to the market  yesterday morning and got some great deals on berries and a peach pie. The kids rode ponies and got animal balloons made for them by Bubbles the clown. It was smoking hot outside, so afterwards we came home for a nap - then hit the mini-golf course where Avery got a HOLE-IN-ONE! She's a ringer - I think Daddy has secret hopes of her ending up on the LPGA tour.

Then we cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie and snuggle:

Today has been a quiet one, with Riley and I both a bit under the weather - lazing around and napping for most of the morning. The only good story is that this morning Bailey woke me up to go out, and instead of getting OFF the bed to open the door, I tried to reach it FROM the bed, missed the door nob and took a pretty nasty tumble.  Tim was downstairs already and came running up to see what happened - and had to administer some first-aid - Tylenol because I hit my head and a bandage for the rug-burn on my elbow. What a clutz. Let's hope that's the last spill of the day, but I guarantee nothing.

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