Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Here you go Nistor....

SO, it's been brought to my attention since I'm not working that I should be making a more concerted effort to post to the blog on a daily basis, because really, what else am I doing all day? (Ahem, Pam Nistor, Ahem.) Fair enough, point taken.  Problem is that BECAUSE I'm not working, the day-to-day life of Old BJ can get kind of boring these days. However, because I am a GIVER and a PEOPLE-PLEASER, I am going to do my best to find something of interest to share with you tonight.

Today was definitely the TSN Turning Point of Chemo #4. Shouldn't surprise me - it always tends to happen on Day 6.  Since I actually slept through the night for the first time last night since the night before chemo (more on that below), it only makes sense that I would feel better.  Still had a wild case of the 'stupids' but I am getting used to that. As promised in my earlier post, I got up the gumption to take Bailey on an hour long walk, swept the floor and did some laundry. 

Proof that I left the house today....
Let me just take this moment to reiterate that I am a dog lover. (Please see above)  A lover of dogs. I would have a dozen if I could. In fact, I have always dreamed of owning a no-kill dog shelter.  I say this because, in the past week I have had unkind thoughts about my neighbor's dog in the next condo. THREE times this week he has woken me with his barking and "Chemo-Barbie" has been getting a little cranky about it. Of course, "Chemo-Barbie" could just as easily be known as "Bitchy-Barbie" or "Are-You-Frigging-Kidding-Me-Barbie" or for those of you with a good memory "Tel-Sell-Barbie," but I do not think I am being unreasonable in wanting a little peace and quiet after a certain hour. SO, I have drafted a letter to said neighbor and will drop it in his mailbox tomorrow.  Nothing like stirring things up with the condo association to make friends with the neighbors, I always say!

I called my oncology nurse to get some information regarding when I can expect to be called to have the new port installed, and she seemed to think it would definitely be within a couple of weeks.  As much as I would rather not have another radiology procedure, it was pretty obvious when Chantelle came by to change my dressing today that the PICC is on it's last legs. And by that I mean the stitches holding it in are about to break through the little pieces of skin holding it in place. Yum. Hope you aren't snacking right now, it really is quite disgusting.  The funniest part is Chantelle's reaction - she is so scared to hurt me that she does this little dance around my kitchen floor every time she has to touch it.  Too funny.

I had a few visitors today - Kristie came by with a Booster Juice and Mardi came bearing a gluten-free dinner. Both were so much appreciated, thanks Ladies. 

That's it. I'm spent. Have a good night all...

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