First of all, I just
wanted to tell you that I had an incredible day today! I felt stronger
physically than I have since before my surgery and that seemed to translate into
feeling stronger mentally and emotionally. Chantelle and Dad were SHOCKED at the
difference that 24 hours made, considering I was so weak and tired and
struggling with pain management yesterday. Good days and bad days I guess, but
considering I met my Oncologist for the first time today, it couldn’t have
possibly come at a better time.
As mentioned in my
last update, I got my staples removed on Tuesday. Tim took me to my appointment
with my GP, and other than a few “sticky little buggers” around my belly button,
it really was nothing to worry about. Then Wednesday morning, Tim flew home and
Chantelle took me to consult with my new Naturopath. I count myself incredibly
lucky to have gotten in to see him so quickly – he was originally booked up
until the new year and I got in simply b/c he had a cancellation. He has
experience working with cancer patients and put me on a variety of supplements
and we are starting IV Vitamin C on Friday. Dad came in yesterday and is taking
over where Tim left off, helping around the house, cooking, cleaning, taking out
the garbage and watching Y&R with me in the afternoons. (Amazing what the
men in your life will do for you when you have Cancer). 

And today was my first
trip to the Cancer Centre – I was initially very nervous but thanks to my
“Entourage” – Dad, Chantelle and Kristie (and Tim via text), it was a relatively
painless experience. As many of you know, the type of cancer I have is EXTREMELY
rare – only 1% of all gastrointestinal cancers occur where mine has, so there is
limited data on how to best treat it. Dr. Sami gave me two options as to
schedule of Chemo and type (IV every two weeks versus IV + Oral every three
weeks). When asked if he was treating his daughter (that’s the drug rep coming
out in me – paint that patient picture!) how he would proceed, he said he would
go with the IV chemo every two weeks – so I guess that makes THAT decision
pretty easy. There are still a few treatment decisions that have to be made –
for example he wants to put me on a drug called Avastin that is typically used
in colorectal cancer patients, but has to try to get it covered for me because
it is incredibly expensive and there is not a lot of data surrounding it’s use
in small bowel cancer. Hopefully that will all be ironed out very quickly,
because as I understand it I will be getting a PICC Line (peripherally inserted central catheter that
is used to administer chemo) on December 21st – in
order to start chemo during the week between Christmas and New Year’s (HoHoHo),
or failing that, first thing in the New Year.
This is all very scary
HOWEVER, Dr. Sami told me that in the 10 years he has been at the Cancer Centre,
he has only treated 2 other people with this kind of cancer – and they are both
doing really well! So, I am very excited to start the process and starting
killing off these little tumors and move on with my life.
Again, I want each and
every one of you to know how very much I appreciate all of the kind words,
encouragement and gifts you have sent me since getting sick. I need to apologize
to those of you whom I haven’t yet been able to respond – it really has been a
whirlwind of a week and is becoming a full-time job keeping up. A day doesn’t
go by that I’m not brought to tears by the generosity and love flowing my way.
Please know that I will contact you as soon as I can – I have a list and I will
get there eventually!
Bring it
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