Monday, 21 November 2011


Ok, for a girl who has cancer (yes, I do unfortunately still HAVE cancer), I got the best news today that I could have gotten from the surgeon.  Turns out, it doesn’t look like the cancer is in the location they originally thought it was. Because it is lower in the duodenum, it will require a MUCH LESS dangerous procedure (bowel resection as opposed to a WHIPPLE) that can be done fairly soon with MUCH GREATER ODDS of a FULL RECOVERY.   I am very confident in the talent and skill of my surgical team. I will likely still need some chemo treatments as an extra insurance policy, but after hearing what I heard today, I say “Bring it ON!”
I am expecting a call from my surgeon over the next day or two after he has consulted with one other surgeon just to confirm the best course of action. I will update you once I know for certain my surgery date and any other news that comes up.
I want to thank each and every one of you for all the love and support you have given me these past days – it has done so much to buoy my spirits and keep me hopeful. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world that I have so many amazingly supportive friends and family on my team. I was so blessed to have Tim and Chantelle there with me today – they were rock-solid support and I don’t know what I would have done without them. Special shout-outs to all my girls who have spent endless hours on the phone with me, sent me incredibly up-lifting emails,  bringing me fresh veggies and juicers, booster juices and are all in my heart.

And now a quote from the strongest broad I know, who is also fighting AND WINNING her own battle with cancer, Nancy Olson,
“So.......................LET’S DO THIS!!!!!”

Love BJ~~

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