Just a quick update for you regarding my surgery dates and some
First of all, my surgery date has been booked for December 1st. I have to
be at St. Paul’s Hospital at 8:30am, with surgery commencing between 11am and
noon. If things go smoothly and I only require a bowel resection, it should
take between an hour and 4 hours. If there are any complications or I end up
needing a more intricate procedure once they get in there, it could take
anywhere from 4 to 10 hours. Either way, Tim, Chantelle and my Dad will be
there. I have taken the liberty of passing along to Chantelle a list of all of
your email addresses, so she will send you a quick update after my surgery to
let you know how it went.
Now, time for a request (or two). Do me a favour and send me your mailing
address when you get a chance. I am creating a little database so that I can
keep myself busy during my recovery with Christmas cards – it will give me
something to do and get me in the holiday spirit. Also, for those of you who
have Blackberrys and who are not currently linked to me on BBM, please send me
your PIN. Thanks.
Again, thanks to all of you for all the love and support you have given me
these past weeks, it has been nothing short of humbling. Please know that I am
feeling really good and really positive about this process and looking forward
to meeting each challenge as it presents itself on my journey to beat this
Hugs in absentia,